
There is no question that the things we think have a tremendous effect upon our bodies. If we can change our thinking, the body frequently heals itself. ~C. Everett Coop, MD

Transparency is so hard for me because I have been so private for so long. I was just hiding how bad situations were in my life. Events that were revealed were just a small percentage of the stress, and turmoil that was the normal in my life. Usually when people would find out how bad a situation was, that meant stuff was boiling over slowly. Rarely did they know the entire sad truth, and that was the way I preferred it. 

When God has a plan for your life you just never know what direction you will go in during the beginning phase. What will God require? What will I have to share? The greatness of God will never leave these questions unanswered. There is a reason I watch really close how I view other people and their decisions. I may not understand why they are doing something, but I never doubt how God can make it better. I am 100% positive many people could not understand the decisions I made or lack thereof. Well join the club because sometimes I did not understand it either, and sometimes I thought I was doing the best thing. Often, I just did not know any better. What I know today is that God is good, better than I could have ever imagined. Many people do not even know the true goodness of God because they think he is so far away. God isn’t far away in some unknown place far beyond the outer spaces. God is right here, with you and me. 

I had to begin a different type of journey, and it had to start with how I was thinking. There is a mind and physical body connection. I am going to briefly tell you what I developed in 15 years. Enlarged heart, depression, extreme high blood pressure, hair lost, obesity, Lupus, pneumonia several times due to the mixture of enlarged heart and high blood pressure! I am going to stop there, because what I do not want to be is a victim. I am no victim at all. Something had to change or my children was not going to have me around, and I do not believe that anyone can take care or love them the way I do, nor should they have to. My children should not have to be without Mommy V because I chose to allow myself to remain in a unhealthy state of mind! God, where do I start? That was when he started teaching me the power of thinking and speaking. That lesson began about five years ago. No, I did not always get it right at first. Eventually, with practice and learning hard lessons; it began to make sense. Also, I was running out of options of how to “fix’ myself so why not? I had to dig into this mind connection thingy. At first, I thought it was going to be as easy as saying “I am going to do this!” It took me another year to realize that it is an everyday practice until I die. Currently that is where I am, and that is the “why?” of the 21-day Blog journey. If Satan can grab control of your mind that really is all he needs. If you accept the lies and do not pursue Gods truth, you cannot be mad at God about your life. Life will never be easy, because of the broken state of man we will always struggle. However, as I have mentioned before life is still a gift and we can enjoy it even through the storms. I feel so robbed that I never knew any of this growing up! That is why it is a personal mission of mind to spread the word, and teach my children. 

And then….

I noticed with all the great things that were happening in my life currently that I was still so tired, worn out, and in some type of battle. I began to stop working on my book because I felt like I was not being authentic to my own words that I was sharing. I guess in some wrong way of thinking I assumed I was supposed to be a certain standard or some type of perfect to be an inspiration. I remembering looking back at my Facebook memories and it seemed like I was so much more determined and positive a year ago. So I am talking to God and I am like what is going on? Where is my zeal! It was months in between before I would post a blog. Then it began to happen. I am not qualified for this. I am not educated enough on this. I am not really that good at this. Vita you inspire everyone around you, who is there for you? No one is reading. Your past disqualifies you. WWWWHHHHOOOAAA!!!! no way devil…no way. I see you; God already has given me the tools to prove you are a liar. Watch me work. I am going to not only continue this journey; I will be sharing it with anyone who wants to read. So that is why I began this challenge and will continue with Day 16 this weekend. I did have some personal issues that I was handling and I was ill. I like to keep my word these days. Integrity is very important to me now. Consistency is a must! There are a lot of people who wait for my post which, I so appreciate the love and feedback. So I had to explain the delay in my post. Positive thoughts do improve your health. I still have long term affects, which I will have to take care of for the rest of my life. It does not worry me, because taking care of me became a priority when my thought process began healing. In a year I effortlessly lost a lot of weight, I like to think because my mind was so much better those fat layers started falling off. I began to actually care about what I put in my body, because I valued life a little more. Understanding now, my body is temple that has been given to me by God; a dwelling place for the Holy spirit. I will not lie to you; I could probably double the weight loss if I became more discipline, and actually started working out again. I have been slacked since I started my new job; however that does not give me an excuse to not value myself. So I am a working towards progress, as we all are.

Meet me here Saturday to read Day 16; I will go into more details about the Mind/Body Connection. It is the real deal, and even though simply thinking cannot reverse some damage, it gives you a new perspective. Who knows, God is still performing miracles. Just maybe thinking differently can be yours! Be your own miracle ☺
Love & Light
