Day 8- Mind Connection: Dangers of Stress 

Day 8 Mind Connection: Instead of worrying about things we cannot control, we should control our worry!!

Yesterday I was not practicing what I preach. I allowed a really petty, annoyance take me out of my element. As a matter of fact, I am still annoyed. I have regrouped since then. Yesterday I allowed incorrect thinking and all types of situations just aggravate me to the point I knew it was affecting the quality of my work, relationships, and I went home. I was in the bed by 7pm. If I write about what it was then you would shake your head. LOL, it just proves that this mind journey is really an everyday practice. Sometimes we will not always succeed, but God is always going to love us and help us along the way. I realize how silly I was acting, and truthfully no matter the outcome, I am not losing anything. I allowed it to stress me for no reason. Our thinking pattern and stress go together. I am much today. Just in time for Day 8!

A few years back I can remember always shaking my head in agreement while at church. I thought I trusted God. Obviously that was not the truth because I lived in fear, anxiety, and more fear. I really did not know the correct way to love God, nor did I have the desire like many people I would see. I just knew that had to change. My thoughts caused me to be in such stress that I was literally killing myself. I have not shared all of my issues with people, but this is the season of transparency because someone needs to hear. I take full responsibility for the choices I made that put me in stressful situations. Some issues could have been prevented, while others just were not fair. My body was so beat down due to stress, over the past 16 years I managed to put on 100 lbs. ( thank God it is leaving now), the usual issues like depression, anxiety , and panic attacks. I have been diagnosed with an enlarged heart, in other words—heart failure. All due to stress and extremely high blood pressure, and one doctor said he detected Lupus (I haven’t has a second, or third opinion yet). At one time I was taking about 10 prescriptions to maintain. I ended up in ICU two years ago. Stress messed me up. I went to the hospital this past summer for a routine heart ultrasound, and literally broke down in tears. I am in such a much better place now, but I think the sadness of it all has literally broken my heart. I allowed stress and stressful people to put me in this position when I did not have to live this way. I know my God is faithful, so I do not stress over my “diagnosis” but I do take better care of myself. When you think better you feel better, and you want MORE for yourself and everyone else too! The power-draining habits of worry, fear, and anxiety does not serve me anymore. I have actively put in practice deciding how I am going to think! I have to lean on God; I realized my own strength does not work at all. Worrying (which is pretty much what I did yesterday) is a form of meditation over our problems. This is a lot different than thinking our way through situations, which is wise. It is the stress that has those destructive side effects, and can cause serious problems. 

I gave up. I needed to change; it was not my “life” that was robbing me of peace it was giving in to the wrong mind patterns. My feelings of hopelessness, and feeling unloved or disliked all the time. Satan really had me going. Putting my life in the hands of God made me realize that I needed to make several lifestyle changes. I had to learn how to fall in love with my creator. So I prayed that he would show me how. I was seriously shortening my life span because of the excessive worrying. I caused damaged to my body that cannot be repaired. 

If you suffer from any form of stress related thinking; please make a list and pray over it daily. They say we should recognize the triggers and purposely relax. I have not mastered this yet. I will be the first to admit before I even recognize a trigger I have already overreacted. I will say that I am noticing lately how God is helping me improve that trait. 

Romans 8:37 lets us know that we have all the victory! Despite any overwhelming situation. The truth is we have to learn how to look through the eyes of faith, believing that you already have the victory! Every day before I walk through the door at work; I sit in my car and say in my loud voice “TODAY WILL BE A GREAT DAY”. I rarely have stressful days at work anymore. The only time I am stressed is when I have neglected prayer, study and time with God. Then I get all agitated back to back. I may not have any of the answers to my current situations, but what I do know is how to call out in the name of Jesus and leave it. All satan does all day is plot on each and every one of us, using his hater techniques to make us live in regret, whispering depressing lies in our ears. That is why it is important to know the truth and study the word. So when the lie comes you can cast it aside. Not today devil, or any day going forth.

We all will encounter difficulties in life. We may even feel like Jesus should have stepped in before things got too difficult. Hold on to your faith and hope, they are not the same but very close relatives and we need them both.

I wish you a peaceful night, and let the stress and pressure of the world go. Get alone and in solitude. It is nothing like alone time in the morning, so I can prepare for people. Then alone time in the evening, so I can get over people. You learn a lot about yourself being alone and it is a stress reliever. I use to get stressed and restless during the quiet. I was so addicted to noise and activity. Even if it is just a few minutes it brings me such peace. I really dislike when I have to cover the late shift and get off work at 8pm. Since I have learned to stop being annoyed about situations I cannot change anyway; I realized this was such a quiet time because it is not really much to do. I get to sit by myself for three hours in silence. Doing whatever it is I need to do for just me!  

Wonderful quote:

I never found the companion that was as companionable as solitude.

~Henry David Thoreau

Do not go down the same path I did with allowing stress, or stress thoughts, and living affect your mental and physical. I had a moment yesterday, but before I went to bed I ask God to help me refocus on everything I have. I am good. Blessed. Healthy. Renewed. So, so much more. 

I know there are situations in your life to stay positive about. It is worth the work. You will always come out on top!

Love & Light
