Day 6: Positive Affirmations 

The Healing Flow Of Love Moves Through Me At All Times.

*Love + Prayer= Victory*

*My heart will be a zone of peace*

Honor the tears you carry, if you allow it they wash you and it brings compassion. We need to deliberately change our heart..

When our hear is at peace, it begins to affect all around you- you shine light when your heart is open. So learn to slow down and listen to your heart.

I was taught by a mentor to take 10-15 minutes everyday to attend to my heart. You can bring love and awareness to your heart.

*Notice I keep mentioning the “heart”, I intended to make it repetitive on purpose because I come in contact with alot of broken hearts. I have suffered from a broken heart. Your heart being broken is not avoidable. Avoiding your heart being broken is when the bitterness and denial set in. I hear several times a day how “I don’t care” or “It does not matter”. I do not know if it is because I been in that state  of pain or what.. but I know that it does matter, and you are hurting. No one, especially me wants to feel vulnarable at the hands of another person. I know in my situation I felt humiliated above all. Then I had to face the truth, that I allowed myself to be hurt. However, the heart can be broken by anyone who we love and trust our love with. It does not mean that our heart has to stay bitter and broken. It took someone, self love, and a lot of tuff lessons for me to realize that it is ok to have a broken heart. It will heal, and we get double for our trouble. Gods love taught me how to love properly. Then he sent me a special someone. Hmmmmm, actually God sent me a few people.

Love is truly a skill that can be learned—> Practice love.

In the valley where your heart was broken will no doubt be the place of your greatest harvest. (Think about it)


*God is my rock, unchanging and without error. I will put all my trust in God. His love will heal me and rescue me out of the depths of sorrow.*

Gods Love Verses Human Love

-Human love is limited, Gods love is unlimited.

-Human love is emotional. Gods love is committed.

-Gods love is eternal.

-Human love is selfish.

Love is the greatest commandment. I often wondered why? Love is a hard thing to do in the flesh; it is truly a fruit of the spirit. I decided to do my affirmation today on love because especially during these difficult time, the world needs a reminder of love.


*God says I am lovable.*

*God loves me consistently.*

*God loves me unconditionaly.*

*I give love to others in abundance.*

Every single person on earth wants and needs love. God is love. If we did not need it then it would mean God is void. It would mean that we didn’t need him.Nothing is further from the truth. Love picks you up, it feels good and it inspires you. I highly recommend you study love in your Bible.

I leave you this evening with load of love and loving thoughts, may the rest of your week be full of Blessings!

Thank you for reading,

Love & Light Always,❤️❤️


Day 5: Positive Affirmations

Stretch Your Faith, Believe In Something Bigger.

–Start carrying yourself as ROYALTY.

*I shall not fall off the path of my journey.*

*I am not less than anyone else.*

We are not obligated to discuss our mission, vision, journey, destiny or any other purpose that we feel that God has placed before us with anyone. It is your choice if you choose to, but it is not a requirement.

How you are growing, learning, Gods blessings, and new dimensions of your life will be quite obvious ( even if the naysayers refuse to acknowledge you). Revealing your growth is not part of our mission, responsibility, or assignment to satisfy other people. Nor are we put here on earth to please man.

*Obviously, I am not trying to win the approval of people but God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ servant. Galatians 1:10—> Now that comes straight from the Word of God.

Now we all have people in our lives that we want to make happy and proud, and there is nothing wrong with that. The danger comes in when we live for the acceptance of people. When we can not make a decision or movement without acceptance from people. God has already approved and accepted us. We will never be “enough” for other humans. That is the reason Galatians 1:10 is a very important reminder. That scripture began sculpting me into a better head space. When we understand what this scripture is saying, we will really begin to soar.

Remember to include affirmations that include taking care of your self.  It took me awhile to truly become a believer in taking care of myself first. If I am not okay, then I am even useless to my children. Take time to be alone. Take time to do what you love. Rest. Play. Shower yourself with support, gifts, and affection. I am not afraid to be unavailable and say no or maybe later. People who love and respect you will understand that, because they also do the same☺️.


*I have a life that I am free to live–peaceful, and full of joy.*

It is freedom in choosing to live your life, but also remember to accept your current situation as it is. Rather your situation is stressful right now or stress free. God can shift our circumstances in the blink of an eye. When we affirm how we want life to go we began to accept our lives and choices unapologetic, and it is blessed by God because it is a life full of purpose. Life will try to push you down and steal your sense of worth. We will have friends, family, coworkers, or just random associates questioning everything they do not understand about what our vision is. They may not see us as qualified, or educated enough.  Gods freedom is knowing their approval is not needed. Ever.


*I will do great thinkgs with my life, and will never take negativity personal*

*God has new things on the Horizon of my life.*

Love and appreciate the people who support you. Love your haters even more, and keep them in your daily prayers. I leave you this eveining with these powerful affirmations:

*I am valuable. I am free. I am redeemed.*

*I am approved. I am prepared. I am qualified.*

Per usual I hope you are declaring everyday, writing these down and adding to them according to your dreams and desires.


Love & Light,❣



Day 4 Positive Affirmations

Let Our  Words Affirm, & Line Up With Gods Truth.

*It is impossible for me to be separated from Christ love.*

*I will dismiss self-judgment and shame when it comes up.*

Affirmations according to His ( God) words means our lives will be in accordance to:

His promise

Speaking words of love

Encouragement of others

Words of Healing

Strength Provision



Hope for the future

We all have the capability to speak to other people words that brings blessing to their life. Sometimes the only blessing that a person my hear may come from you. The Holy spirit will drop a word in us to share, and we have the power to change a persons life with a spoken word. Sometimes I feel it is our duty.  You may very well be the blessing in some ones life today.

*The Grace of God is greater than our sin or any others problem that we may have.*

There is healing in the word of God. The Bible was my turning point because it taught me how God loves me and that I have so many reasons for my time here on earth. No matter all the negativity that occurred in my life. I am still currently being molded at the exact right time. The word of God help me develop my affirmations. The Bible speaks the truth to us, so it became easy to declare and speak my vision into existence. FYI: Gods words can never be void and HE is the truth.

I recommend if you are struggling with affirmation and “feeling” what you are saying; start by–

  • Praying
  • Reading your Bible.

–as you pray ask for understanding of the word. Sometimes the Bible can be hard to understand. Find a Bible that suits your understanding. Some example are: KJV, NKJV, NLT, NIV, & The Message. There are plenty more versions. I personally study from them all and prayed along the way for God to minister to my heart. It seem to work out perfect. We all have to build our own relationship with God, so that we can feel deep down inside exactly that love that will heal us forever. Remember—> AFFIRM IT!

*Gods love is enough to cover all four past failures.*

*God will make us strong, He will be our fortress.*

A lot of people fail to understand that Gods truth is our only truth, the rest of what we believe and accept ( the negativity) comes from satan, and the people he uses as pawns to bring us down. It is time to tear down the walls of never feeling like enough.

So I leave you this evening with more affirmations..hopefully this increases your list 🙂 Have a wonderful Friday evening and a fulfilling weekend full of rest.

*God gives me the promise of Peace in the midst of the storm.*

*Love will always conquer fear.*


From my ❤️ heart to yours,



Day 3 Positive Affirmations

I Am Going To Live All Of Life

*I have courage, I am living in a new state of being.*

*Today my thoughts are ordered*

Life is such a gift. Life is not easy, but it is a gift. When we hit turbulent times in our life we often forget how to actually live and not just exist. The enemy hits us with a sucker punch, we get dazed. we begin to doubt, and fear may even set in. My first defense use to be to retreat. Hide until the storm passed; hoping it would not consume me. So in other words, I did not actually face the trial and push through it. That makes for a very unhappy state of being, or lack of being. During these tough times we can also work ourselves in such a panic we have forgotten that we are survivors. We have made it through what we thought were the worst days ever. We are still standing.

Even on the days we feel really bad, we have to learn and make a habit of living in the present. Take a few moments. Breath. Pray and exhale! Take it day by day, hour by hour, and honestly I have to take it second by second sometimes. Sometimes my thoughts wander and I feel like I have wasted so much time. It is those times I have to affirm that I am in the correct position and on Gods timing. God has a plan for me and I am not one second too late. All that mess that happened is now gone, and the beauty of it all is He (God) took that mess and used it for great things. Most importantly He gets all the glory and I invite him to use me. I belong to the King. So do you, that is why you have victory. Affirm that!

When dreary days come your way simply stop and ask God to please you thoughts. Ask God to place all the things that are priority to him. We can ask Him to take away every thought, habit, behavior or actions that will send us in a spiral of sadness and pain. Do not be silent about it. There will come times when you have to be. I believe it is a good idea to affirm out loud because you are making all surroundings in the spirit world that you are what God says you are, and satan can not void or fight Gods truth. So if you can…. be loud. God gives us the privilege to respectfully come to Him with the confidence of knowing he can make us whole.

The closer I get to God, and place my all into his hearts desire; I find myself stopping often these days to affirm, pray and repent. I will admit Satan has brought out the big guns, but I no longer have to be afraid. You do not ever have to be afraid. I actually praise even more because I am doing it right! While I was defeated, satan didn’t bother me too much…I was self destructing on my own. God had a surprise for him. My life has a important purpose.

*My God is in control of every situation in my life. I belong to Him, so any thing that comes my way I am strong enough to handle because I have Gods strength. That strength is unstoppable.*

*Darkness must give way to the light.*

Not to be repetitive but this is all a process and you have to be determined. We will not ever dwell on this earth without stumbling, the question is how will you handle it?  You have options.

I challenge you to live every single day free, knowing God always works on your behalf. Affirm your strength, success, healing, and love.

As I leave you this evening with even MORE affirmations to add to your list, I hope that you are writing the affirmations down. I encourage you to add what is applicable in your life. If you can imagine it, you can have it. This evening affirmations–

*Even when I’m hurt, I will trust the process.*

*I think forgiving thoughts. I speak forgiving words, because I am forgive.*

Hope you have a wonderful evening!

Love & Light,





Day 2 Positive Affirmations

No Negativity Zone.

Body and Soul-I am marvelously made! Psalms 139:14

*My life matters.

Negativity is a mental, emotional and spiritual cancer. I spent so many years being negative I did not even realize it was killing me. I was cynical, abrasive and angry. I accepted that being that way was just my personality. I believed that God created me to be as I am! This was only a half-truth. Yes, God created me to be exactly who I am, but there was one very important detail that I could not admit to myself, and I subconsciously overlooked it. I was unhappy. God did not create me to be unhappy.

Living as a negative person for so long I had to learn to let God teach me, mold me, and reshape my entire thought and speaking pattern. Allowing God to work in those areas of my life helped my actions and attitude towards others to change for the better.

As you journey into a new-found space in your life it is wise to fill your head with wonderful thoughts and affirmations.

Let me explain.

Affirmations mold your negative beliefs about yourself and your life. Not to sound cheesy or anything (LOL) but something magical does begin to happen.

Affirmations teach you how to love yourself properly, and go for your goals. You begin to attract other positive loving people your way. I like to put it this way-“Instead of searching for the light, I became the light I was looking for.” All the rest continues to fall into place!

Affirming also helps you develop a much needed attitude of gratitude. We then realized how truly blessed we are. No matter what trials we go through, there is always someone who would love to trade places. We are blessed beyond what we realize most of the time. Just to be able to get up in the morning is a big deal!

You have something to offer the world. Claim it. Believe it. Allow it to manifest.

*I will become everything, I was created to be.

God knows what HE has put in you-the talent, potential, and gifts.

Every day this is a process, I challenged myself to make a habit of powerful speaking every single day.

So I leave you this evening with a few more affirmations to add to your list!

*I trust myself.

*Every situation works out for my good.

King David said it BEST and I feel we should agree and declare right along with him-“I am amazing , I am talented, I am one of a kind, I am a masterpiece!”

Hope you were blessed this evening by this blog! & as usual I pray the very best for you!

From my heart to yours,

Love and Light,




There is no question that the things we think have a tremendous effect upon our bodies. If we can change our thinking, the body frequently heals itself. ~C. Everett Coop, MD

Transparency is so hard for me because I have been so private for so long. I was just hiding how bad situations were in my life. Events that were revealed were just a small percentage of the stress, and turmoil that was the normal in my life. Usually when people would find out how bad a situation was, that meant stuff was boiling over slowly. Rarely did they know the entire sad truth, and that was the way I preferred it. 

When God has a plan for your life you just never know what direction you will go in during the beginning phase. What will God require? What will I have to share? The greatness of God will never leave these questions unanswered. There is a reason I watch really close how I view other people and their decisions. I may not understand why they are doing something, but I never doubt how God can make it better. I am 100% positive many people could not understand the decisions I made or lack thereof. Well join the club because sometimes I did not understand it either, and sometimes I thought I was doing the best thing. Often, I just did not know any better. What I know today is that God is good, better than I could have ever imagined. Many people do not even know the true goodness of God because they think he is so far away. God isn’t far away in some unknown place far beyond the outer spaces. God is right here, with you and me. 

I had to begin a different type of journey, and it had to start with how I was thinking. There is a mind and physical body connection. I am going to briefly tell you what I developed in 15 years. Enlarged heart, depression, extreme high blood pressure, hair lost, obesity, Lupus, pneumonia several times due to the mixture of enlarged heart and high blood pressure! I am going to stop there, because what I do not want to be is a victim. I am no victim at all. Something had to change or my children was not going to have me around, and I do not believe that anyone can take care or love them the way I do, nor should they have to. My children should not have to be without Mommy V because I chose to allow myself to remain in a unhealthy state of mind! God, where do I start? That was when he started teaching me the power of thinking and speaking. That lesson began about five years ago. No, I did not always get it right at first. Eventually, with practice and learning hard lessons; it began to make sense. Also, I was running out of options of how to “fix’ myself so why not? I had to dig into this mind connection thingy. At first, I thought it was going to be as easy as saying “I am going to do this!” It took me another year to realize that it is an everyday practice until I die. Currently that is where I am, and that is the “why?” of the 21-day Blog journey. If Satan can grab control of your mind that really is all he needs. If you accept the lies and do not pursue Gods truth, you cannot be mad at God about your life. Life will never be easy, because of the broken state of man we will always struggle. However, as I have mentioned before life is still a gift and we can enjoy it even through the storms. I feel so robbed that I never knew any of this growing up! That is why it is a personal mission of mind to spread the word, and teach my children. 

And then….

I noticed with all the great things that were happening in my life currently that I was still so tired, worn out, and in some type of battle. I began to stop working on my book because I felt like I was not being authentic to my own words that I was sharing. I guess in some wrong way of thinking I assumed I was supposed to be a certain standard or some type of perfect to be an inspiration. I remembering looking back at my Facebook memories and it seemed like I was so much more determined and positive a year ago. So I am talking to God and I am like what is going on? Where is my zeal! It was months in between before I would post a blog. Then it began to happen. I am not qualified for this. I am not educated enough on this. I am not really that good at this. Vita you inspire everyone around you, who is there for you? No one is reading. Your past disqualifies you. WWWWHHHHOOOAAA!!!! no way devil…no way. I see you; God already has given me the tools to prove you are a liar. Watch me work. I am going to not only continue this journey; I will be sharing it with anyone who wants to read. So that is why I began this challenge and will continue with Day 16 this weekend. I did have some personal issues that I was handling and I was ill. I like to keep my word these days. Integrity is very important to me now. Consistency is a must! There are a lot of people who wait for my post which, I so appreciate the love and feedback. So I had to explain the delay in my post. Positive thoughts do improve your health. I still have long term affects, which I will have to take care of for the rest of my life. It does not worry me, because taking care of me became a priority when my thought process began healing. In a year I effortlessly lost a lot of weight, I like to think because my mind was so much better those fat layers started falling off. I began to actually care about what I put in my body, because I valued life a little more. Understanding now, my body is temple that has been given to me by God; a dwelling place for the Holy spirit. I will not lie to you; I could probably double the weight loss if I became more discipline, and actually started working out again. I have been slacked since I started my new job; however that does not give me an excuse to not value myself. So I am a working towards progress, as we all are.

Meet me here Saturday to read Day 16; I will go into more details about the Mind/Body Connection. It is the real deal, and even though simply thinking cannot reverse some damage, it gives you a new perspective. Who knows, God is still performing miracles. Just maybe thinking differently can be yours! Be your own miracle ☺
Love & Light


Day 15 Mind Connection/ I Declare!

Mind Connection Day 15: What is incubating inside you? What do you think about most of the time? What can you talk about most of the time? (Questions I retrieved from Joyce Meyer book, “Me and My Big Mouth) Ponder that and put everything into action through mind/word connection! “I declare.”

The best lesson I learned was to prophesy over my future. Now before the rumor mill starts turning– I am not claiming that I am a prophet by any means, I actually have no desire because that is serious business. I do however; believe God wants his people to plant seeds of dreams to fulfill their lives to the Glory of His will. We have to be willing to look with our spiritual eye and give birth to a dream. The most important and first of the process is we have to believe in our dream! This is when the Mind/Speaking Connection comes into practice. Words can curse our future if we speak evil; however we can bless it by speaking well. (At the end of this Writing Journey I am going to post all of the scripture that God has revealed to me about the power of words)

If you want more out of your life, and you are dissatisfied with how things are turning out. It is time for you to take action! Start today by speaking a better future. The spirit of God lives inside us so he has given us the privilege to speak forth the word before it comes to pass. We can change things when we get in cooperation with God

Many years ago I came across a scripture while I was studying. It was Jeremiah 29:11. It spoke volumes to me because I was in a place where I could not see a brighter future for myself. I did not think that I was worth more. I allowed other people to tear me apart and accepted what they said as my personal truth. I accepted that I made many bad choices, and I would have to live with the outcome. I still struggle with many of the out comes from previous bad choices. I am currently in a journey with accepting all that has happened. God is teaching me how he can take my mess and make it beautiful and for his purpose. However Satan is always lurking around whispering how the situations are impossible to heal from. When traumatic events happen there will be a point in your life where you do go back and feel the emotion. We have to pray through it and face it so God can start our healing process. Yesterday, I posted on Facebook that “the light at the end of the tunnel is closer than your realize. “I Declare.”

Reading, studying the Bible and prayer is important, and it will help start the process of healing your mind/words. You have to learn your worth to be able to fight against Satan and his discouragement. He surely will whisper disappointment, despair, and hopelessness in your ear. He may even send people your way to bring the negativity. As we are on day 15, I hope we all have learned how to actively change our mind and words so that we live a peace filled life. It is like a muscle we have to practice and build it up. Also remember to think about what we are thinking about! 

Jeremiah 29:11
has already confirmed in the spirit realm that our destiny is peace however, Satan also knows this too. That is why he is working behind the scenes trying to sabotage our mind. The best weapon we have is declaring/prophesying our future; we can go through the Bible and find many scripture to confirm who we are. I recommend studying them, memorizing them and even declaring them out loud as part of your daily habit. When we speak something we are actually calling it forth. I know to some people it is hard to believe in the powerful connection with believing and speaking. That is why there it could be difficulty with seeing the things you believe, they never come to pass because you do not speak them and believe together. 

The more I talk about my dreams, desires, and goals I begin to really feel confident. I feel like I am unstoppable, and it pushes me further when I feel weak. So begin talking about your goals. People do not need to know your every move all the time but be confident about what you ask God to do in your life. This could mean healing or building an empire it doesn’t matter the task! Nothing is impossible for God but he needs you to activate your faith and believe in him. 

I was given a very encouraging example recently concerning “speaking power” it went right along with my Mind Connection series. I will share it with you all. In the beginning God created all of the earth with a simple spoken word. Everything that was created was spoken. It also goes on to tell us that we were created in Gods image. We should follow the example of God; Declare and speak the Word of the Most High before you can even see it! Prophesy things to come, and wonderful days ahead! I do not think we really understand how powerful that is. No we are not equal to God by any means, but we are to strive to be “like” him. So speak it into existence! Whatever it may be. All of our hopes for anything in life are through God, sure it is plenty to be hopeless about but we do not conform to the worldly standards, because we know that all will be well, and miracles and blessings are plenty. So I am making a practice and I ask that you join me—when we have dark moments in life let us declare “Let there be light.” Matthew 12:34-What comes out the mouth is what the heart is full of.

I have made it a daily practice recently to really get serious about prophesying my future. My favorite place to do this is in my car with or without the children in there. I know when I first started declaring out loud they looked at me crazy. I do it like that for a reason. I want them to pick up the habit of prophesying well, and speaking no evil in their lives. I want it to line up with the His word of course. The desires of my heart are to help mankind in many, many different areas. Rather it is a spoken word you have, a desire to make people beautiful through hair and nails, planning events that they can remember forever and even taking beautiful pictures! Your dream is not too small; make it BIG because God is BIG! 


Day 14 Mind Connection: Fear. What a useless feeling!

Mind Connection: Psalms 27

Today I was reminded that through any circumstance; I never have to be afraid. In the 27th chapter of Psalms, David is crying out to the Lord. Fear is a dark shadow that lurks about and imprisons us from the inside. Fear comes in many forms such as, rejection, misunderstanding, uncertainty, sickness and even death. 

The only way to conquer our fear is by trusting Gods plan. We have to think and speak the truth God has taught us. We have to do this on a regular basis. I remember a time in my life when I had fear all around me. It was a fear of the unknown and I was so stuck. I could not even speak about it to anyone, and sometimes I did not even know why I was so scared. I just felt this incredible fear. Ultimately that led to panic attacks and anxiety, which can be serious to anyone. It took a tremendous amount of prayer to overcome my fear; even still I have my moments. Fear no longer rule my life, but it was good to get a reminder while reading Psalms 27 today. 

David has reminded me: “The Lord is my light and my salvation.” As I walk through the darkness of this world I have the brightness light to guide my way. A light that never goes dim is exactly what God is to us. I adore reading about David and in some instances I can totally relate to his human side, and shortcomings. Despite his sin, he remained a man after Gods heart. No matter the situation David would acknowledge God with his entire heart. God was David’s desire and he wanted to remain in Gods presence. Do you desire to truly be in the presence of the Lord? I know being in His presence is my only safe place. I have tried to find refuge in many other areas, and nothing has ever made me feel safe. I had a cousin tell me one time many years ago; that when you realize God is all you truly have it can be life changing. Sure we have our family and friends but due to human nature they can fail us at any time. It is the Lord who will always be the same, and his love is never changing. 

We run to God when difficulties arise most of the time. I have learned that seeking God and putting Him in my thoughts every single day helps ease the times when my life is very turbulent. I trust his timing, I have to. Whatever may be going on in your life God knows the exact moment to pull you out and raise you up. He is never a moment too late. 

God is filling all the voids in me. He is turning my mess into a beautiful testimony, through this journey I have gained a ton of wisdom. I have been able to take that wisdom and share it with other people who are just like me. We do not all have the same struggle and often I would think I was hopeless, and would never change. It is a blessing to feel how God has developed me from the old person I use to be. I have been able to be bold and transparent about my struggles so nothing hides in my closet! I do not mind telling anybody that I still have a long way to go, but where I am now is a miracle from God. God has allowed the pain I endured to produced a dream in my heart, a career, goals, ambition, and faith. I am a big Mental Health advocate and decided to go back to school to educate myself further on these issues so that I can help others. I am now a proud college graduate and single mother. Currently pursuing a higher degree. I had my share of setbacks and made very poor choices, might even make some more! Today is a new day. Now don’t ever tell me what God can’t do. I did not have the will power on my own, I was terrified to move. So many factors come to play with how our thinking develops. God’s love is sufficient for any need. The spirit of fear was not given to us. Scientifically speaking fear is a psychological behavior that we learn. 

Waiting on God isn’t an easy task, but God is worth waiting for. Truth be told I am in a journey now where it seems my life is very stagnant. It went from very active to not really much going on. In the meantime, I just keep writing, learning, praising, and try to be a light to other people. 

We can make good use of this time by discovering what God is teaching us. I learned the most about myself during stagnant periods like I am currently in. Patience-a fruit of the spirit we all have access to. (See Galatians 5:22-23)

Like I said yesterday; “Don’t doubt or resent God’s timing”. If you have any fears today, I urge you to take immediate action and spill it out to our creator. He can handle anything you have to say. He blesses the humble and authentic prayers. Do not let fear paralyze your mind.

Read Psalms 27 as a reminder.

Love & Light💞💕💞
