Day 11-Mind Connection/Friendships

Mind Connection: The only way to have a friend is to be one. `Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friendship is very important to me; I adore my friends and the variety they bring in my life. I have had some exciting adventures with friends, and some occasions that were sad. Through it all we remain friends and provided support to each other in any form needed for that time. On occasion there times when we get angry, irritated or mad at each other, but the key is to remember we will not always agree, or see eye-to-eye. I can love you, and still disagree easily. At the end of it all you love each other and get over it! Then there will be friendships that also are not design to last. We grow in separate ways. We do not remain friends with everyone that we have known since we were babies, and sometimes we do. I have people that I thought would be my friends forever leave my life. I have also been hurtful to people, and pushed some folks out. I have no problem admitting that at one time, I did not know how to be a friend. I did not even know how to pick a friend! Fortunately, God intervened in that area of my life and renewed my heart. I am able to receive, recognize, and maintain health relationships with people now. I have a special place in my heart for the people that loved me when I was at my worst. Truth is sometimes I did not even know I was at my worst! Those people loved me despite it all. I also do not forget the ones who treated me horrible. I show grace because I am a child of God; however it is impossible to forget. Honestly, I just focus on the awesome people I have not the others. My friends seem to think I am pretty awesome! Who has time for naysayers? This area of my life I want to share with you all, and give some perspective I learned from God only. I had to learn how to be a true friend in order to receive a true friend. Yes, it is part of Mind Connection. When we are attempting to maintain friendships, it really is an inside process. It is impossible to be a healthy friend when you are not investing in how to be a better person; a person that thinks and acts healthy. I refer to it as “mental wellness.”

Would you want to be friends with you?

What a question to ponder. I can imagine people saying now, “accept me as I am, or do not deal with me!’’ There is some truth and logic to that statement; and I agree to a certain point. People absolutely have the right to accept or decline you, as you share the same right. Let’s be real, no one actively chooses to be alone. We are designed to communicate with each other. I am a perfect example of introvert, over the years my friends have learned this fact about me. Even with me being an introvert, I still want my friends around and to communicate with people on a regular basis. None of my friends live in my state! I miss them so. It took me awhile to become a great friend but it started with my thought process. I was an extremely negative person, and who really wants to be around that draining energy? Only other negative people that is who; I doubt that many of us who are stuck in the trap of being negative really even realize how it affects others. Even though we know we are not happy, people can feel that energy. 

In my case I was miserable and extremely broken inside, and I did not even realize I was a bad friend. In my psyche, I loved them but because my thoughts were so unhappy I did not reciprocate friendship appropriately. I also attracted exactly what was in my heart; it is like Satan knows when you feel defeated. Satan will send people that are similar to you, so be careful. We think. “Oh this person gets me!” and that may be true, but you have to watch that because it can easily be a trick from Satan. He (Satan) knows that misery loves company and if he can get an entire broken group together then they will feed off each other. That makes room for no productivity, no love, no healing, a ton of conflict and drama! A huge, hot, stinky, and dirty mess! I survived it. That could mean a lover, friend, coworkers, family, and school mates. Often people make some bad decisions to avoid being lonely, but reality is you end up alone anyhow left to deal with the mess we created from the bad choice. I had to learn to let God become involved when choosing my friendships and it has been the best decision ever! I no longer have broken relationships and toxic situationships! 

If you are the type of person who wants to be positive, and take your life up levels, I love those kinds of associates. I had to learn that begins when we are positive I decided to actively work on myself; I needed to be aware of my behaviors. Give to others what you want in friendship, a spiritual law is that we have to reap what we sow. Sow seeds of love and your get an abundance of it back. Give away what you hope to receive—laughter, joy, encouragement, and love. 

When people are around me I want them to feel great. I want them to be able to trust me, and feel loved. One life turning thought of my life was “I just do not want anyone to ever feel like I do now.” I have no clue what made me think that way. It pushed me towards working on myself and allowing God to renew my life. I am still such a work in progress. 

I want to end this with saying to my friends (you know who you are) Thank you for remaining. To my new friends, thank you for allowing me in your life. To future friends, I cannot wait to see the impact you have on my life and vice versa! I hope and pray I always bring joy to all I encounter.

Love & Light!
