Day 10: Mind Connection –Perspective 

Day 10-Mind connection: “I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that remains” `Anne Frank

That Ann Frank quote shows a young girl determination to have a perspective that joy remains despite any situation. I could not even imagine being in her situation. What I see as beautiful, you many not consider beauty at all. It is also that perspective that we have to also check and keep under control. Some people can see all the beauty in the world, and some people can see everything that is wrong with it.

People need hope. People need to be aggressively choosing to do what is right. That is part of our mind connection, power words and faith. It starts there. We passively sit back and wait for something “good’ to happen. I decided to view life this way—yes we have problems, the world is cold and dark sometimes. God is so much greater. He doesn’t fail us, WE fail ourselves. No we cannot ignore what is going on around us, because this life we live is hard. The injustice, violence, and evil are real. I promise that I do understand this is so difficult. My current situation is struggling with this concept (Godly perspective) through hard situations. My God can turn any situation around; we do not have to replay the issues in our heads. People need hope. In John 16:33—He lets us know he has overcome the world. All we can see is pain, while God sees spiritual growth. God needs us, other people need us. We need to be able to bring hope to one another for change.
Growing pains, when we level up, who said the process was easy? Maybe that first level was breeze, even the second. The more you want and are required of from God….the process becomes real. I rather go through it than ever give up again. I have learned that God is all the strength I need. I remind him of that too. Each time I feel like I cannot go further, I remind God of his words. Occasionally, I do not feel better right away…BUT I promise you this, I feel better and gain the strength not to give up.

Call me crazy but I truly believe that God has such a plan for believers, so I am trying my best to stay in tune with his perspective! I truly believe that God has placed this word in my heart so I decided to place it in my 21-day writing journey blog. God is moving and is changing situations around for his people. His perspective is the only perspective we should follow.


We all have a soul and spirit. According to the Bible it is our soul that allows our human emotion to overtake the spirit (if we are weak in this area), and the spirit gives us the capability to have the faith walk and know that everything will be ok. I am dealing with a broken heart, wounded soul myself. In the past because my spirit was overtaken I could not see beyond that. I prayed and prayed for God to help me see the connection, it did not change overnight but I was tired and willing to keep going. I’m sure the issue with us is we give up because we want it handed to us easy. God is not going to force us he gave us the power of choice. Let’s be frank, would you want to force your love on someone? If we are willing to take on Gods perspective we can keep that joy. Often, the way we see things is not the full picture, and MANY lurking variables apply to the circumstance. We just never know. We can only control our reaction to any situation.

Power along with Perspective

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but longing fulfilled is a tree of life”—Proverbs 13:12.
We can tap into some real power when we allow God to mold us. God has given each and every one of us power to live above our circumstances. He has blessed us with Ministers, Life Coaches, Doctors, and plenty of resources to help us along the way. When we are hopeless, we get tired, lazy, sad, and the events will replay in our minds until it just wears us down. We become negative, and set in our ways. We refuse to change; we have accepted that this is it! Sadly, if you accepted that perspective; it will be. I want more, and I want anyone I come across to want more. That is one of the reasons I share my story. I admit my faults, and broad cast them. I need God to cleanse me. We should not deny our circumstance but we cannot give into them as well. Maybe you can’t pray it away, tell God that. I spent many hours and days just telling him that I felt like this was not working, the Bible was boring etc.… I can assure you that those authentic prayers help him shift me. The desire became real, and the knowledge & wisdom of He’s ways I yearned for. The beauty of faith is it keeps us moving and full of hope! I put my trust in God like the Bible has instructed me, so even when a storm hits me I can maintain my peace and joy. He has worked situations out in many of our lives in ways we could not even imagine.

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed”—2 Corinthians 4:8, Back on topic…

Like today for example, when I see what has my heart tender or in sorrow. I choose to run to God. It may be prayer, reading, listening to music, or calling one of my good friends and letting know what is troubling my heart. We pray, laugh and put things back to Gods perspective.

So I leave you with this: It is your choice, you can choose to watch life from a negative perspective and magnify everything that is wrong. You can make the decision to press forward, and ask God to help you make the connection. We can minimize the situation and look at the beauty of people, life, and everything that is right. Despite it all, I choose to have everything God says I can. So it may hurt often and it has; giving up is not an option for Vita. I sincerely hope it is not for you either.

Enjoy your Tuesday Night!