Day 12 Mind Connection *Praise*

Mind Connection: When you begin to use words that can defeat you; take out a pen and write down all you have to be grateful for. I promise you will get tired before that list can ever end. `Vita

Sunday I was driving home back from the grocery store, I knew I needed to write this post but I have been struggling so hard with my own Mind connection. It’s not that I am not practicing it, or that I do not believe it. I am struggling with being confident about dreams and goals. Satan is saying to me that I am out of my league when trying to write books, blogs, and such. Nobody is reading, he says. So as I said my morning prayers, I ask God to help me. I have to believe I am the best at what I want to do, while using my own authentic voice. I have to practice, study, research…..pretty much I have to do my part. Thinking positive and speaking those power words have to be on the top of the list. Ask. Believe. Receive. 

As I got quiet, I was enlighten. I was actually reminded, I define these moments as when God is using the Holy Spirit to help me move forward. I took out my voice memo so that I would remember my message. It was very clear that I needed to focus on my praise. Yup, regardless to how I was feeling. I must speak positive and be thankful. Absolutely there has been times when I did not “feel” like it. I literally forced myself and when I did at that moment I was able to speak to the power within myself. It sure beats complaining about any situation that I cannot change or control. 

I literally had to praise and be raised up! It is not that I’ve forgotten this concept; life is just hard! Everyday it is a new stumbling block. Reminders are necessary in life, especially when you are new to this positive Mind connection concept like me. It has been only a few years back that I was existing in a negative mind. The fact that I can actively choose what I think about and believe in the promises of God is so liberating to me. I pray, hope and stand in faith with many people and know that lives can be transformed. I feel honored to be able to share my experiences. I stay humble and remind everyone that I am flesh, I still struggle. What this journey has given me is enlightenment, I now know that this will forever be a journey! The beauty is that God is not requiring us to be perfect and he knows through Jesus that we have a struggle. 

Truly thankful people do not complain and if they do its not very often. I have been ungrateful most of my life, and when I decided to allow God to take over my life, I had to face some truth about myself in order to realize my negativity and overcome. It has taken a lot of work and honestly I find it difficult at times. I do not always make the best decisions, and I sometimes just choose not to deal with it. Even through all of that I can feel Gods love for me. I keep the faith on a bad day, and speak with a positive tone or remain quiet. At night this is what we can do: Go to sleep realizing that we have gotten through this day. May God have mercy as we sleep, and if we are given the privilege to rise in the morning; we have the opportunity to start again. 

I learned awhile back to from Joyce Meyer, that the practice of “Think about what you’re thinking about.” I am going to be 100% honest with you. When you are in practice of actually thinking about you’re thoughts it can become draining. However, it will help with what comes out of our mouths. The reason we need to be conscious of our thinking is because we learned thoughts affect every part of our mood, and how we treat each other, how we treat ourselves, & our overall happiness. Every single thought that the enemy puts in your head you do not have to let it in. I will quickly redirect my mind and think of anything else first! It is starting to come naturally to me, but it took awhile to get in a routine of dismissing thoughts. I figure if it is bad and defeating then it did not come from God and is not the truth! I would lose focus so easily then I would neglect what needs to be done or my emotions would run high until I got sick physically or enraged. That was no way to live. I began to also practice my praise (going back there!) My praise reminded me that I have so much to be thankful for and should not stress. My praise helped me to remember what I learned in the Bible from studying it. My praise reminded me that the devil has already lost! I am victorious through Jesus. 

Nothing on earth is perfect. As I have said many, many days-it is hard living this life. It is impossible to live it peaceful without my faith and belief. We are all not the same, so the struggle will be different. Stay compassionate to others and what they are going through. Remain a source in someones life that can build them up and not tear them down. Be honest and loving at the same times. God does not want us to focus on the bad, but praise him and pay attention to all that is good.

No matter what you face in this life, always remember the promises of God. Activate your faith, your faith will keep you when it seems dim.

Be Well,

From my heart to yours,
