Day 14 of #15DaysOfPrayers–Thank for your support!!


Day 14

❤️As I end this challenge I just wanted to recap before my last #15DaysOfPrayer Blog post. Thanks for all the support & I truly hope that I reached at least one person. Thanks for reading.❤️

🌟“We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties.” ― Oswald Chambers

🌟I remember thinking I had to pray a certain way so that God can hear me; so that God would accept me and hear how desperate my pleas were. 😔😔I needed his love and I needed his guidance but If I didn’t do it this “certain” way it was not going to be effective. I struggled with trying to pray so eventually I stopped. I only prayed on occasion. Then I begin to pray that he would show me how to pray and give me the desire, because I knew it was important.

🌟I do not believe there is a wrong way to come to God as long as you are respectful and humble, and remember he is HOLY. God taught me that is was not the length of my prayer but it was being authentic, and that the little prayers throughout my day count too. God is my very first and my very last conversations of the day. We also speak often in between those times.

🌟We talk about everything! 😄

🌟I acknowledge him as the head of my life, and I repent for times when I should have acted better. I asked him to guide me and renew my heart to align with his. I let him know that I am grateful for him; and what he has equipped my life with. We talk about my dreams, my goals. I let him know my desire to be obedient, and all that I am is because he walks with me.

🌟When I have my days of crying every time the wind blows, I tell him. Sometimes I say nothing but let the tears fall and allow my spirit to speak. One thing about it is, no matter the situation; I always feel so much better when we speak. 

🌟Thought prayer God has taught me how to journey through this life, and change for the better. God has taught me his love and that love has helped heal my mind. Through prayer he taught me how to understand and study his word. I struggled with the Bible so badly, I asked him to help me. He has helped me understand, and that understanding allowed me to crave learning more, to the point now I can now teach others!

🌟God isn’t our genie and he wants to be in on every aspect of our lives. I don’t have a issue with that! We walk together.💞

🌟Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. (Philippians 4:6 NLT)🙏🏼💞

Good Night, Speak to God and Rest easy!😉